We Generating High Quality Leads For Home Improvement Companies!
Our Home Improvement magazine is dedicated exclusively to helping the home improvement industry reach its core client, the homeowner. We are directly mailed to homeowner-occupied homes, which means we are reaching people in their homes while addressing the needs of their homes. We have handpicked the best neighborhoods, based on verified home ownership, home value, and expendable income, to deliver industry-leading return on investment for our clients. In addition to reaching a coveted demographic, we offer our advertisers the ability to measure the return on their investment, through a call tracking system.

Lesa Jennings
Sales Rep
phone: 559-825-2801
email: [email protected]
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Delivered to home owners, via the mail, every month.
Free ad design. Our art department works closely with our clients to deliver an eye catching ad.
Our publication is delivered to only verified homeowners with an average income of $110,000+
Magazines are published all 12 months of the year